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If you use business email, you can reassign, or redirect, a user's extra email addresses. Learn more.
If you choose to use a domain you already own with your plan, you must redelegate your domain, or change your domain's hosting information. When you redelegate your domain, you're simply telling the company where you originally bought your domain (such as Network Solutions) to redirect your domain to work with Turbify. Please note that redelegation is not the same as a registrar transfer: Turbify will host your website for you, but your current provider will continue to renew your domain, and you'll pay any associated fees to that provider. Turbify will not renew your domain. Learn more.
Is the grace period where your domain has expired but is not yet available for the public to purchase. In this phase, you are still able to reclaim your domain name.
A referrer to a web page represents the location from which a site visitor arrived at the page.
References Report
If you have a Merchant Solutions plan, the References Report shows the location from which a site visitor arrived at your site, the number of hits on your pages from each location, and the sales attributable to each source. Learn more
A registrant is the individual or organization that holds the right to use a specific domain name. This person or organization is the domain license holder or legal entity bound by the domain terms-of-service agreements. Learn more.
A registrar is an organization that has been accredited by ICANN to register domain names. Turbify's domain registration partner, Tucows, is the registrar for all new domains registered through Turbify
registrar transfer
A registrar transfer is the movement of a domain name's records and management from one registrar to another. When you transfer your domain to a different registrar, the new registrar becomes responsible for maintaining your domain registration records, managing your domain renewals, and other administrative details. Note that a registrar transfer is not the same as redelegation. Turbify currently allows you to redelegate a domain you registered elsewhere to use with your plan. You can also transfer your domain registration to us. Learn more.
In the context of a domain name, renew means to pay the fees to continue your domain name registration for another term, usually one year. When you register a domain name through Turbify, we will automatically renew your domain name for you as long as your subscription is active. If you register your domain with another company, you must renew your domain with that provider. Note that if you cancel your plan, Turbify will no longer renew your domain, and your registration may lapse. Learn how to reactivate a lapsed domain.
Repeat Customer Detector
Available in Merchant Solutions plans, the Repeat Customer Detector groups orders that were probably placed by the same person and lists them by number of orders. (The RCD matches orders by looking at the name, credit card number, and email address.) You can use this information to discover your most frequent and valuable customers, then create targeted marketing programs to appeal to these customers. Learn more about using statistics.
risk tools
If you have a Merchant Solutions plan, use our risk tools to prevent fraudulent transactions and check the authenticity of a purchaser's credit card address and 3-4 digit credit card verification code. Learn more.
Root refers to the highest level of an organizational hierarchy, and is commonly used to specify the main directory of a site or application. The root directory of your web site contains your home page and any folders (subdirectories) you may have created. Your domain name, such as widgetdesigns.com, represents the root directory of your site. You can access your subdirectories by appending the path of the subdirectory name to the root, such as widgetdesigns.com/subdirectory1/ or widgetdesigns.com/subdirectory1/subdirectory2/.
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format used to distribute headlines and similar content across the Internet. Owners of blogs and other web sites that update their content frequently can make their new posts and content available in files called RSS feeds, which consumers can receive and review in a newsreader, such as My Yahoo, making it easier and faster to keep up with new information on their favorite sites. WordPress makes it easy to create and distribute an RSS feed for your blog. Learn more.
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