If you are not going to allow coupons and promotions to be used in conjunction with each other, we suggest that you add a disclaimer to your checkout to advise customers of your policy. By adding a disclaimer about your policy, it will help you to avoid upset customers or the potential of them abandoning their shopping cart.
Add a disclaimer
- Sign in to your My Services page.
- Click the Store link.
- Go to Checkout & Registration Manager.
- Go to Page Configuration.
- Depending on your checkout configuration, click the Billing Information, Shipping and Billing, or Single-Page Checkout link.
- Scroll down to the section labeled Page Sections.
- Click the radio button next to the section labeled, If you have a Coupon / Promotional code that can be redeemed from this store, please enter the offer code in the box below. and then click the Edit button.
- In the Field Display Name, we suggest adding a note about your promotion and coupon combination policy. We suggest making it clear to your customers that coupons and promotions cannot be applied, and that if they apply a coupon code, the promotion will automatically be dropped during the checkout process.
- Click the Save & Preview or Save button.
- Return to Store Manager and publish your Order Settings.
Note: If a customer is eligible for a promotion, it will automatically be applied to their shopping cart, however, if they enter a coupon code while going through the checkout process the promotion will automatically be dropped. If the customer decides that they would rather have the promotion apply to their order, they will need to start the ordering process over, since there is no way to manually remove a coupon code once it has been applied.