Note: Only domains with these TLDs are eligible for transfer at this time:
To transfer your domain to Turbify, you'll need to sign up for a Turbify plan, make sure your domain is ready to transfer, and supply a special code (like a PIN number for your domain) to authorize the transfer.
The details will vary slightly depending on your current domain registrar, but don't worry, we'll guide you through each step when you begin.
Note: Before you initiate your domain transfer, we recommend updating your name servers if you are changing your hosting provider. Once you initiate your domain transfer, you will not be able to update your name servers until your transfer is completed, which can take up to 7-9 days. If you are moving your hosting to Turbify, see our name servers.
Preparing your domain
- Change the name servers on your domain -- If you want your Turbify service to be live before and during the transfer, update your name servers with your current registrar to and
Note: Please point your name servers as shown above prior to initiating the transfer process. Once the transfer process starts, the name servers for the domain will be locked until the process ends, and you will not be able to make changes to the name servers during that time. - Confirm your administrative email address and other registration contact information are up-to-date -- After you initiate your transfer, we'll send an email to your administrative email address. You'll need to take action when you receive this message to complete your transfer, so it's critical that your email address is correct.
We'll ask you to verify the email address when you begin your transfer, but to save time, we recommend that you review your domain contact information (WHOIS) and make any necessary updates before you begin. You can look up your details in the public WHOIS database, or just contact your current registrar.
Note: Some registrars may deny your transfer request for a short time after you update your WHOIS. Please contact your current registrar for details. - Contact your registrar for your authorization code -- You'll need this code to authorize your transfer. Please make sure to notate your authorization code exactly as your current registrar provides it, it is case sensitive.
Tip: Don't remember which registrar you used? Look it up. - Confirm that your domain is unlocked -- Many registrars will lock your domain name to prevent fraudulent transfers. You'll need to make sure your domain is unlocked before you can authorize your own transfer. Often you can unlock the domain yourself using your registrar's domain management tools. Or just contact your registrar for help.
- Ensure 60 days have elapsed since you registered or last transferred your domain -- ICANN regulations forbid transfer of your domain more than once every 60 days. If you recently registered or transferred your domain name, you'll need to wait until that window has elapsed to transfer your domain again.
- Get started -- When you have your authorization code, and your domain is ready to transfer, you can get started! Learn how to transfer your domain.