Important: The Floating Cart is not supported in Microsoft-based browsers (such as Edge) released before April, 2019.
A floating cart is a shopping cart that hovers or floats above your store pages, and lets customers view items in their cart and their order subtotal, change item quantities, and calculate shipping costs, without exiting your store pages to a separate checkout flow. Using a floating cart can optimize your customers' shopping experience, and can also help encourage increased order values.
Using Floating Cart Manager, you can enable a floating cart for your store pages and customize your floating cart settings. You may choose upon what action a floating cart is shown, the amount of time the floating cart should remain open after a customer adds an item to their cart, which optional sections to show (custom content area, shipping calculator, coupon code section, and a free shipping offer), and customize display settings.
Enable floating cart for your store
If using Editor 3.0 templates, you must publish Store Editor prior to the first time you enable the floating cart and mini-cart. If you are using Editor 2.0 templates or custom templates, you must manually install code for the mini-cart and floating cart before enabling the mini-cart and floating cart in Floating Cart Manager. Please consult the Manual Setup tab in Floating Cart Manager, or our Manual Setup help section.
- Sign in to your My Services page.
- Click the Store link.
- Go to Floating Cart Manager.
- From the Global Settings tab, locate the Floating Cart Settings section.
- Select Show to enable the floating cart feature for your store. If you wish for the floating cart to be displayed only when a customer adds an item to their cart, enable the Show the floating cart only when buyer adds an item to their cart checkbox.
- Select whether an add-to-cart action by the customer opens the floating cart, or takes the customer to checkout.
- If you wish to display a custom content area, shipping calculator, coupon code section, or free shipping offer in your floating cart, you may configure settings for these sections. To learn about how to enable and configure these optional sections, please see our help pages for:
- Click Save or Save & Preview.
- Publish when ready.
Add-to-Cart Action
You may choose to have an add-to-cart action open the floating cart, or to instead have an add-to-cart action take your customers directly to checkout. Merchants with stores from which customers are likely to purchase more than one item per order may wish to have the floating cart open upon an add-to-cart action. Merchants with stores that sell big-ticket items, whose customers are typically shopping for and purchasing one item only, may wish to display a mini-cart, but to take customers directly to checkout upon adding an item to their cart. Learn more.
Floating Cart Display Time
When you opt to have a customer's add-to-cart action open the floating cart, you may also specify an amount of time for the floating cart to remain open after an item has been added to the cart. You may choose to have the floating cart display for 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 7 seconds, 9 seconds, 15 seconds, or to always remain open until closed by the customer. By default, the floating cart will remain open until closed by the customer, unless a different display time duration has been selected.