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Set up trackable links for an affiliate
Learn how to create identifiable URLs for business associates to which they can refer customers and receive store credits.
Jun 20, 2024
Article ID: SLN19549
Trackable Links are available again for automatic coupons and order attribution. Usage tracking and affiliate credit data remains temporarily unavailable.
Once you have identified sites to add as affiliates and have established the terms of your affiliate program with them, you can set up trackable links for each affiliate.
Enter the name of the affiliate. The name only appears to you to help you identify the affiliate.
Click Create new Trackable Link for:.
You'll see a page with two URLs on it. The first is the URL that your affiliate should use as a link to your store from their site or email campaigns. The second link is a URL that the affiliate can use to track visits and sales through the link they display.
Set values and settings for trackable links
Enter values for the following:
Auto merchandise credit:
Percent of sales - Enter a number (for example 10%) representing the percent of sales revenue you wish to credit to the affiliate. This option can work for merchants as it encourages and rewards affiliates for actual sales on your site.
Value per thousand visits - Enter a dollar amount (for example $0.25) to credit the affiliate for every thousand visits to the site. This option can work for merchants whose stores convert shoppers into buyers. Note: This option is subject to fraud.
Buyer discount - Enter a coupon code if you wish shoppers using the link to receive a discount automatically. This can be an effective means of getting shoppers to click on the link and complete an order.
Select whether to show affiliates just the number of hits and revenue generated from affiliate link or hits, revenue, and the names and city/state of buyers. You may not wish to show the affiliate buyer's names and city/states as they could possibly misuse this information.
Click Email Instructions. The Email page will load showing your two affiliate links as part of a default email message.
Enter the email address to which to send the instructions. You can also edit the Subject and From Name.
Edit the default email message to include any special instructions or program details. Be careful not to alter the links. You should inform affiliates that they will need to sign in with a login ID to see any credits and the link to shop at your store to use the credits.
Click the Send button.
The affiliate will then use the first link you sent to direct shoppers to your store. They will use the second link to view any hits or revenue from their affiliate link at your store. If they have store credit, they can use the credit to purchase merchandise. If you pay affiliates by cash, you will need to track and manage payments to those merchants outside of the Store Manager.