These are the fields that are exported to UPS WorldShip®:
UPS WorldShip® Export Fields | Field | Worldship.csv (Order File) | UPS WorldShip® Field | 1 | Order ID | DO NOT MAP | 2 | ShipmentInformation_ServiceType | Shipment Information: Service Type | 3 | ShipmentInformation_BillingOption | Shipment Information: Billing Type | 4 | ShipmentInformation_QvnOption | Shipment Information: QVN Option | 5 | ShipmentInformation_ QvnShipNotification1Option | Shipment Information: QVN Ship Motification 1 Option | 6 | ShipmentInformation_ NotificationRecipient1Type | Shipment Information: Notification Recipient 1 Type | 7 | ShipmentInformation_ NotificationRecipient1FaxorEmail | Shipment Information: Notification Recipient 1 (fax or email) | 8 | ShipTo_CompanyOrName | Ship To: Company or Name | 9 | ShipTo_StreetAddress | Ship To: Street Address | 10 | ShipTo_RoomFloorAddress2 | Ship To: Room/Floor/Address 2 | 11 | ShipTo_City | Ship To: City | 12 | ShipTo_State | Ship To: State/Prov | 13 | ShipTo_Country | Ship To: Country | 14 | ShipTo_ZipCode | Ship To: Postal/ZIP Code | 15 | ShipTo_Telephone | Ship To: Telephone | 16 | ShipTo_ResidentialIndicator | Ship To: Residential Indicator | 17 | Package_PackageType | Package: Package Type | 18 | Package_Weight | Package Weight | 19 | Package_Reference1 | Package: Reference 1 | 20 | Package_Reference2 | Package: Reference 2 | 21 | Package_Reference3 | Package: Reference 3 | 22 | Package_Reference4 | Package: Reference 4 | 23 | Package_Reference5 | Package: Reference 5 | 24 | Package_DeclaredValueOption | Package: Declared Value Option | 25 | Package_DeclaredValueAmount | Package: Declared Value Amount | 26 | ShipTo_LocationID | Shipment Information: Location ID |
Please note: UPS WorldShip® export is not available to Merchant Solutions Starter customers.