Note: For more information on using HTML with your website, we recommend visiting
When you are picking your font type, it's important to pick something that's easy to read, and that is widely accepted as a standard font.
<font face="arial">This is the Arial font face.</font>
Font color - You want to make sure that your site visitors can actually read your content. So, we recommend taking it easy with neon green or yellow!
<font color="#0000FF">This creates blue text.</font>
Font size - If you make your font size too small, it can be difficult for your site visitors to read your content. If you make it too big, it can come off looking unprofessional. We recommend testing out different font sizes to find what is right for your site.
<font size="8">This is smaller text.</font>
Background color- Change the background of your website from plain white to something that fits the theme of your website.
<html><body bgcolor="#00CCFF"><font size="12">Background color</font></body></html>
Note: When you are changing the background color, you are replacing the <body> tag with the body background color tag. The </body> tag should be towards the end of the code on your page.