Yes. By adding the BACKGROUND attribute in the BODY tag, you can have an image tile on your entire background. Remember, since the image will tile, you can use a small image and it will fill up the page. Using smaller images is recommended so that your page will load faster. Use the code below to have an image as your background:
<BODY BACKGROUND="image.jpg">
Replace image.jpg with your actual file name.
If you're having problems with linking images, here is more information on linking images.
Note: If you would like to resize your image, you'll need to use an image editing program (such as PaintShop Pro).
Note: If your image has the extension .bmp, you'll need to convert this image to either a .jpg or .gif format in order to view this image on your page. Renaming the file extension will corrupt the image file. You must use an image editing program in order to convert this file properly.
Here's the URL to download a trial version of PaintShop Pro to convert your image: