If you see the default Coming Soon page when you visit your domain, you have not yet replaced the placeholder homepage created for you when you signed up for your plan. This file is named index.html and is found in the public_html folder in your File Manager. It will generally be replaced when you publish your website.
By default, the page you'll see when you visit your web address is the one with the file name index.htm or index.html. For your homepage to display properly, it must be named index.htm or index.html (all lowercase). Homepages named something else, like Index.html, home.html, or default.html for example, will not work properly.
If your site does not include a file called index.htm or index.html (either your placeholder Coming Soon page or a homepage you created yourself), your site visitors will encounter an error when they visit your web address.
If you've already created a homepage but don't see it when visiting your domain, you may need to rename your page to index.html using the File Manager.