Under Account Management, click the Generate Password button.
You can use the automatically generated password or enter one of your own. Note: Although there are no required characters or number of characters, it's recommended to generate a Strong password. WordPress will let you know if your password is Very Weak, Weak, Medium, or Strong.
Click the Update Profile button when ready.
Change your admin password in the WordPress dashboard
On the WordPress login screen, click the Lost your password? link.
On the next screen, enter your Username or Email Address, answer the question in digits, and then click the Get New Password button. A link to reset your password will be sent to your WordPress email address.
Change your admin password in the WordPress Toolkit
Click the WP Toolkit link on the left toolbar. Note: WP Toolkit is not available for the WordPress Essentials Hosting plan.
Click the Setup link.
The administrator username will be displayed. The current password may also be displayed as a masked value. If so, click the eye icon to the right to view the password.
If the current password is not displayed or to change the password, enter a new password in the New Password field. Optionally, click the Generate button to automatically generate a secure password (recommended). To view the new password, click the eye icon in the box.