If your account is past due, Yahoo Small Business will attempt to alert you in several ways:
Email: You will receive a series of emails sent to the primary email address address for the owner login ID. These are sent when the account cannot be billed, when the account is suspended, and when the account is about to be closed. You will continue to receive these emails until the account is closed.
How do I find or change my primary email address? Sign into your Small Business profile.
- Online: When an account is past due or suspended, you will see past-due banner upon signing in to the account. Click Pay Now to update your billing information.
- You'll also see an alert message when clicking the Billing Information link in your My Services page. Click Pay Now to update your billing information.
Email messages will continue to be sent, and the alert messages will continue to appear in your account upon sign-in, until the account is brought into good standing or canceled. Learn more about updating your billing information.