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Why doesn't an attachment appear correctly?
Learn to troubleshoot issues with opening image files and documents sent to your business mail inbox.
Jun 20, 2024
Article ID: SLN17550
There are a few reasons why an attachment may not appear correctly:
Every attachment you receive is a specific type of file. For example, many word processing documents are .doc or .txt files, while many images are .jpg or .gif files. You may have problems viewing an attachment if your browser is not properly configured to view that type of file. Usually, the easiest solution is to upgrade your browser to the most recent version.
If you're having trouble reading an Adobe PDF file, you may need to install the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which will allow you to open and read PDF files. For more information, please visit Adobe.
If you're trying to view an attachment from its current location, and it is not displaying correctly, try saving the attachment to your hard drive first. Some users having difficulty viewing an attachment are able to successfully open an attachment after they have saved the attachment to their computer first and then opened the attachment.
You may also have problems viewing an attachment if it was sent in an unreadable encoding type. When a message is sent, the sender may be able to choose an encoding type. If possible, the sender should use MIME encoding.