Yes, you can register an unlimited number of domain names.
Turbify currently registers over 400 domain extensions. In addition to .com, many businesses register the .net and .org variations of their domain name.
Having multiple domains allows you to:
- Register all the extensions of your domain, such as .net, .biz, .info, and .us.
- Reduce misdirected traffic by registering common misspellings of your domain.
- Sign up for vanity domains to make your business or web site even easier to find online.
A Domains plan will be set up for each domain name you order through Turbify. Each account will have a separate Domain Control Panel.
If you already own a domain name registered elsewhere, you can still use it with your Turbify plan. You will need to modify your name servers through your registrar so that Turbify can host your domain.
Note: This process is called redelegation it is not a registrar transfer. You will continue to be responsible for paying registration fees for your domain name with your current domain name registrar.