Private Domain Registration allows you to shield your personal information from unwanted solicitors by replacing your contact information in the public WHOIS database with that of Turbify's domain registration partner, Tucows. Your information will remain in Tucows' database but become unavailable to the public. Learn how to sign up.
Why sign up?
Unfortunately, spammers and other solicitors regularly tap online databases, such as the public WHOIS database, to collect names, email addresses, and other contact information for their campaigns. Identity thieves, domain name hijackers, and other scam artists may also exploit WHOIS information, which legally must be associated with each registered domain name.
How does it work?
Private Domain Registration helps you protect your privacy by removing your contact information from the public WHOIS database. When third parties locate your domain information in a WHOIS database, they will find, instead of your personal contact information, an email address, postal address, and phone number for Turbify's domain name registration partner, Tucows. Please note that your registrant/organization name and anonymous domain information such as your domain name servers will remain public. A viewer who would like to communicate with the registrant, administrator, technical, or billing contact for your domain will be able to send a message only through Tucows--not directly to you. Learn how Tucows manages these communications.
Please note that although Private Domain Registration may represent a strong tool in your antispam arsenal, no tool has been proven to eliminate all spam.