During the transfer process for a domain, we'll ask you to confirm that you can receive mail at the Registrant contact email address listed, or ask you to check your domain registration information (WHOIS) to verify the email addresses listed there is one to which you can receive email.
If the Registrant email address listed in your domain registration information (WHOIS) is incorrect, contact your current registrar to update your contact information. You must be able to receive an authorization email to complete your transfer.
Why would your email address be incorrect?
- If you have private domain registration, you'll see your registrar's contact information in your WHOIS information in place of your own. If you don't recognize your WHOIS email address, chances are that you're seeing your registrar's information instead. Contact your registrar to confirm that you'll receive messages sent to that address, or just turn off private domain registration.
- If you registered your domain a long time ago, you may have registered with an email address you're no longer using.
- Does someone else manage your domain for you? That person's email address may appear in your Registrant contact details. If that person cannot authorize your transfer or forward the authorization email to you, you'll want to change that email address to one with a mailbox you can access yourself.