The first time
When you order a new service from Turbify, we'll total all applicable fees, subtract any promotions, and show you the total amount that will be charged to your credit card or PayPal account when you place your order.
Your initial charge will always include the fee for the first term of your new product(s), plus any setup fees that apply.
If you have a coupon or qualify for a special promotion, we'll subtract that discount from your total charge. You'll see information about any promotions applied next to the product name, and confirmation above the coupon field if your coupon was applied successfully.
Recurring charges
We'll renew all products billed by term (including your plan and most add-on services) automatically when your term ends, unless you cancel. At the end of your term, we'll charge your credit card or PayPal account the then-current price for your service, less any ongoing promotions or discounts. (We'll also renew your domain name, if you registered a new domain or transferred an existing domain to Turbify.)
For example, if you signed up for Web Hosting today with an annual term, we'll charge you today for your first year of service. In one year, we'll charge you for another year of service.
If instead you sign up for a monthly Merchant Solutions plan, we'll charge you each month for a month of service until you cancel.
You can review your renewal dates and charges anytime by visiting the Subscriptions tab of your My Account page.
Upgrading, downgrading, and adding services
If you make any change to your Turbify account--upgrading from Web Hosting to Merchant Solutions, for example, or adding Private Domain Registration--we'll calculate the total of any new services, and let you know what new charges to your credit card or PayPal account you'll see today.
You'll see the total of any charges during the ordering process and order confirmation. You can also review all service charges anytime on the Subscriptions tab of your My Account page.
You may be due a prorated refund if you downgrade your service to a less-expensive plan or change the term of your plan and add-on services. When you change plans, we'll charge your account for the full price of your new service (less any promotional discounts), then apply your prorated refund to your payment method for that account.
You will not see any prorated refunds due for modified services on your order summary or in your order confirmation. Any refunds due will be applied to your credit card or PayPal account after your order is complete. Please allow up to five business days for refunds to appear in your credit card or PayPal account.
Please note that according to the Terms of Service, which you confirmed when you signed up, you will not receive a refund for any fees associated with canceled services.