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Set up a page redirect
Learn how to create a meta refresh page redirect using Store Editor.
Jun 20, 2024
Article ID: SLN18608
You can redirect visitors from one Store Editor page to another using the Page Redirect Manager.
If you want to redirect to a page on another site, you can do so using a meta refresh tag. This HTML tag will send a visitor with a supported browser (most browsers) to the URL you specify.
Select Head-tags from the pull-down menu and click Update. You will be taken back to the Edit page.
Under Custom properties, enter the meta refresh tag in the Head-tags field.
0 above is the time in seconds until the redirect triggers and can be changed
Replace the URL above with the URL of the page you are redirecting to.
Click the Update button.
Publish when ready.
Note: The page redirect will only work on browsers where it is supported. Visitors can disable the meta refresh feature in their browser for security reasons, so you should always place a link on any page for which you have a redirect set to allow visitors with this feature disabled to click to navigate to the page to which they'd have been redirected.