Each attribute name has a corresponding format. For example, the format for the Price attribute is Number, and the format for the Caption attribute is Text. The Number format indicates that a field should contain a numerical value; the Text format indicates that a field will contain alphanumeric values (letters and/or numbers).
Catalog Manager allows you to select from the following formats:
- Text - A single line of text, with no character limit
- Med-text - A medium-sized input field, which is limited to 240 characters
- Big-text - A large input field, with no character limit
- Number - A single number
- Numbers - A list of numbers that are separated by spaces (e.g. 1, 5, 10)
- Positive-integer - A single positive integer
- Yes-no - A Yes/No chooser
- Image - A symbol representing an uploadable image
- Orderable - A Yes/No chooser
See Also: