The default registration email content contains values that are replaced with information from your store, and from the customer's registered information. These values are represented in the email content as:
[NAME] - The customer's name, provided during store account registration.
[DOMAIN] - Your store's domain.
[PROVIDER] - The provider of the user ID the customer registered with your store (Yahoo, Google, or AOL).
[PRIVACY] - Your store's privacy policy page.
If you choose to modify the content of your email, you may use these values in your email content, and they will be replaced with the information noted above.
The default email content is:
Dear [NAME],
Thank you for registering your account with [DOMAIN]. This email is being sent as confirmation of your registration. Our records show that you've registered with us using your [PROVIDER] account.
As a registered customer, you can now:
* Place an order in just a few clicks, without having to re-enter your shipping information and other details each time you shop.
* Easily track your order status and history.
You can access and edit your account information at any time, by visiting your Account Information page at:
We appreciate your business, and thank you again for registering with us.
Best regards,
Modifying the registration confirmation email for your store is optional. If not customized, the default message (above) will be sent to your registered customers upon registration.
Modify the registration confirmation email
- Sign in to your My Services page.
- Click the Store link.
- Go to Shipment & Order Status.
- Click the Registration Email Settings tab.
- In the Registration Confirmation Email field, customize the content using text and/or the variables noted above. HTML cannot be used to customize the email.
- If you wish to preview your email to see what the email message to customers will look like (recommended), click the Save/Preview Email button.
- Click the Update button.
- Return to Store Manager and publish your Order Settings.