The Show Following Items option in Cross-Sell Manager has always and never options. These options allows you to set rules that will override auto-suggest recommendations.
Choosing to always show Cross-Sell items with a Selected Item means these items will always be displayed on the Selected Item product detail page, on the cart page when the Selected Item is added to the cart, or both, depending on your Cross-Sell settings and the rules you have created. These items will be displayed first, followed by auto-suggest items if auto-suggest has been enabled.
If you wish to prevent one or more items from ever being cross-sold with a Selected Item, select these items as Cross-Sell items to never be shown with the Selected Item. When you choose to never show an item, auto-suggest will honor this rule and never recommend this item with the Selected Item.
Note that the never rule will only apply to pages you have selected in your cross-sell rule entry. If you are using auto-suggest on both product detail and cart pages, and wish for an item to never be recommended with a selected item on either of these pages, you must apply this rule to both Product Detail and Shopping Cart pages.
Note: Cross-Sell Manager is available only with Merchant Solutions Standard, Professional, and Store v.1 packages.
See Also: