Important: All FTP sessions require an FTPS connection along with TLS 1.2 protocol support for increased system security.
See below for the current list of file types we support.
Before you upload, please note that the names of your files should contain only uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, dashes, and periods, and cannot begin with a period. If a file name includes special characters, you may see an error when you upload or try to view it.
Below you will find our current list of supported file types. We will add to this list periodically as new file types become more common across the Web.
ai | Adobe Illustrator | | php | PHP |
aiff | audio | | php3 | PHP |
ani | animated cursor | | php4 | PHP |
arj | ARJ | | pl | Perl |
art | AOL compressed graphic file | | ply | image |
asf | Windows Media | | png | image |
asm | ASM | | pps | Microsoft PowerPoint |
asx | streaming media | | ppt | Microsoft PowerPoint |
au | audio | | prc | Corel Presentation |
avi | video | | ps | PostScript |
bas | Basic source code | | psd | PhotoShop |
bin | binary | | pub | Microsoft Publisher |
blz | bitmap graphic | | qt | QuickTime MooV |
bmp | image | | ra | RealAudio |
c | Canvas | | ram | RealAudio (or Video) metafile |
cab | FutureSplash | | rm | RealMedia |
cdf | IE Channel Definition Format | | rmf | audio |
cdr | CorelDraw image | | rmvb | RealVideo |
chat | IRC data | | rmx | RealJukebox |
class | Java class file | | rp | image |
cnf | E-cash | | rpm | RealMedia plugin |
cod | FORTRAN/Multiplan/dBASE | | rt | RealText |
config | configuration file | | rtf | Rich Text Format |
css | cascading style sheet | | s3m | sound |
cur | Windows cursorc | | scm | video |
dcr | Director | | sdc | StarOffice |
dir | directory/Procom dialing directory | | sdd | StarOffice |
doc | Microsoft Word | | sdw | StarOffice |
dwt | Dreamweaver template | | sit | Mac compressed file |
dxr | Director | | smi | SMIL |
eot | embedded OpenType font | | smil | SMIL |
eps | Adobe Illustrator text and graphics | | spl | Adobe Shockwave |
ev | Echoview | | svg | image |
evy | Corel Envoy document | | svr | compressed virtual world for WWW |
far | Farandole Composer module | | swa | Adobe Shockwave |
flp | CorelFlow flow chart | | tgz | g-zipped TAR |
frm | Visual Basic source file | | tif | image |
ged | image | | tiff | image |
gif | image | | tmb | Timbuktu Pro |
gz | compressed file | | tmp | temporary |
hdml | handheld device markup language | | tms | Telemate script |
hlp | HeLP file | | tsp | TrueSpeech |
hqx | Mac BinHex | | txt | ASCII text |
htm | HTML | | utf8 | Microsoft Dreamweaver |
html | HTML | | vac | Oc2.316s Cakit |
hwp | Hangul (Korean) | | viewlet | Viewlet |
ico | icon image | | viv | video |
inc | inc include file | | vivo | video |
inf | inf OS/2 setup file | | vox | sound |
it | Impulse Tra cker module | | wav | sound |
ivr | image | | wax | Windows Media |
ivs | video | | wdb | Microsoft Works |
jar | Java archive | | wk1 | Lotus 1-2-3 |
java | Java | | wk2 | Lotus 1-2-3 |
jcz | Microsoft Liquid Motion | | wk3 | Lotus 1-2-3 |
jpe | JPEG image | | wk4 | Lotus 1-2-3 |
jpeg | JPEG image | | wk5 | Lotus 1-2-3 |
jpg | JPEG image | | wki | Lotus 1-2-3 |
js | JavaScript | | wks | Lotus 1-2-3 |
key | keyboard macro | | wku | Lotus 1-2-3 |
lbi | Dreamweaver library item | | wma | Windows Media |
log | log file | | wmf | Windows Media |
lwp | Lotus Word Pro | | wml | WML |
m4a | MPEG audio | | wmv | Windows Media |
map | image map | | wmz | Windows Media |
mdb | Access | | wp5 | Corel WordPerfect |
mid | MIDI sound | | wp6 | Corel WordPerfect |
midi | MIDI sound | | wp7 | Corel WordPerfect |
mod | music | | wpl | Windows Media |
mov | QuickTime MooV | | wps | Microsoft Works |
mp2 | MPEG audio | | wri | Microsoft Write |
mp3 | MPEG audio | | wrk | spreadsheet |
mp4 | MPEG audio/video | | wrl | VRML |
mpa | MPEG audio | | x | LEX source |
mpeg | MPEG video | | xhtml | extensible HTML |
mpg | MPEG video | | xls | Excel |
mpp | Microsoft Project | | xml | extensible markup language |
mtm | multitracker module | | xls | FileMaker XML stylesheet |
nav | Microsoft extension | | xslt | XSL transform |
opf | FlipAlbum | | zip | compressed file |
pas | pascal | | | |
pdf | Acrobat Portable Data Format | | | |
pfr | PaintShop Pro | | | |