Once you have a video saved on your own computer, you can add it to YouTube with just a few clicks.
- To get started, visit YouTube and click the camera icon in the upper-right corner of any page.
- Select Upload video.
- YouTube will ask you to sign in or create a YouTube or Google account, if you don't already have one. Sign up is quick and free.
- After you have signed in, just follow the instructions to upload a single video or up to 10 videos at once. Your videos will be saved in your YouTube account.
For more on uploading to YouTube, please visit the YouTube help center.
Please note: YouTube is a third-party video-broadcasting web site not affiliated with Turbify. For questions about using and troubleshooting YouTube, please visit the YouTube help center.
Remember that your videos must represent your own original content. Turbify does not permit you to post copyrighted, trademarked, or protected content of any form on your site without authorization. See our terms of service.
See Also: