Enter a number to indicate the price for an item. For example, if you enter 12, then the price will appear as $12.00 for that item.
You can use quantity pricing in the Price and Sale-price properties of an item to offer volume discounts to buyers. Quantity pricing allows for price discounting on the basis of volume purchased. To use quantity pricing, you can enter each quantity and the total price (not the unit price) for that quantity in pairs after the single-item price for an item.
For example, let's suppose you want to make an item cost $10 for one, three for $21, or ten for $60. To get that pricing, enter the following in the Price field:
10 3 21 10 60
This indicates that the price of 1-2 items will be $10 each. The price for 3-9 items will be $7 each and the price for 10 items or greater will be $6 each.
When the unit price for a quantity purchase involves a fractional cost, the unit price displayed in checkout will be rounded to the nearest penny, and will be followed by a +/- sign. For example, if offering quantity pricing of 15 units for $100, the actual unit cost is $6.66666667, but will be displayed as $6.67 +/-.
Note: While you can't change the display of quantity pricing in the Price section of an Item directly in the Store Editor, there are options.
Note: Although Price is not a required field, an Item page without a Price will be treated as a Section page in Store Editor. As such it will behave like a Section page. This includes appearing in your site navigation and not being available to be included in Promotions.