Images uploaded to item or section pages have the following restrictions:
- Only .gif, .jpg, or .png file formats
- Less than 2 MB in size
- Less than 2000 pixels wide
- Less than 2000 pixels high
- Maximum of 2 million pixels in total (width times height)
Image dimensions are constrained by the Image-height and Image-width variables. When your image exceeds the value set in either of those variables, your image will be proportionally resized to fit within those constraints. You can increase or decrease the values for those variables depending on the maximum size image you want to display.
Note: Resized images will be saved in the file format specified in the Uploaded-img-default-type variable field (GIF, JPG or PNG). If you don't specify a file format, resized images will be saved in .gif format.
Tips for images
- Larger images show more product detail and often help sell your products.
- Upload additional item images using the Image1 - Image5 variables (Theme Manager themes only). Learn how.
- Create up to 5 custom image variables Image6 - Image10 to bring the total to 11 item images (Theme Manager themes only). Learn how.
- Use the Inset variable to upload a close-up or secondary product image (Design Wizard templates only). Learn how.
- You can upload additional item images to Store Files then add HTML that references the images in the Caption field of the product or category.
- When your image exceeds the maximum size as set in the Image-height and Image-width variables, your image is resized and resaved. Saving your image again may affect image quality negatively, so you are better off resizing your image before uploading to Store Editor. You should resize to fit within the maximum dimensions so no additional resizing occurs.