You may include up to 50,000 coupon instances in one single-use coupon series. However, you don't need to create all coupon instances for a single-use coupon series at the same time. Additional coupon instances may be added to a series after the series is created.
Add coupon instances to a single-use coupon series
- Sign in to your My Services page.
- Click the Store link.
- Go to Coupon Manager.
- Click on the coupon prefix code for the single-use coupon series you'd like to update. You'll be taken to the Edit Coupon page.
- Under Coupon Options, enter the number of additional coupon instances you wish to create in the Create [#] additional coupons field.
- Click the Modify button, located to the upper right. The additional coupon instances will be added to the single-use coupon series.
- Click the Download List button to download an updated list of coupon codes for the single-use coupon series, or Return to Coupon Manager.
Don't see the box to create additional coupon instances?
To create a single-use coupon series, you must begin the series by creating at least two coupon instances. If a coupon series is created with only one instance, it won't be recognized as a coupon series, and you won't be able to add additional instances.
When only one single-use coupon instance is created for a coupon prefix, the coupon code will contain the prefix only, since additional coupon instances can't be added at a later time. For example, if you enter a coupon prefix code of MYOFFER and create one coupon instance only, the coupon code will be MYOFFER.