Important: Customer Registration is not supported in Microsoft-based browsers (such as Edge) released before April, 2019.
When enabling and configuring Customer Registration in Checkout & Registration Manager, you have the option to require customers to sign in to their store account in order to complete checkout, or to allow customers to complete their orders without signing in (guest checkout).
The setting you choose will depend on your business needs. In most cases, allowing guest checkout is recommended. Some customers may not wish to register an account, and requiring account registration may cause these customers to abandon their shopping cart.
Enable guest checkout
- Sign in to your My Services page.
- Click the Store link.
- Go to Checkout & Registration Manager.
- Go to Global Settings.
- Click the Customer Registration tab.
- Under Customer Registration Settings, locate the Customer Sign-In option.
- To require customers to have a registered store account, and to be signed into that account before completing checkout, select Required before checking out.
- To enable guest checkout, which allows customers to complete the checkout process without registering or signing into a store account, select Not required before checking out.
- Return to Store Manager and publish your Order Settings.
When guest checkout is enabled, your checkout options page will display the following checkout options to customers:
- Sign In & Check Out
- Register & Check Out
- Use Guest Check Out
Tip: When guest checkout is disabled, your checkout options page will only present Sign In & Check Out, and Register & Check Out options to customers.
Register After Ordering option
If you've enabled guest checkout for your store, you may wish to present customers using guest checkout with the option to register once they've completed their order.
To display the option to register on the order confirmation page for customers who have completed their order using guest checkout:
- In the Customer Registration tab, locate the Register After Ordering option. This option is only enabled for selection when guest checkout is also enabled.
- To present customers using guest checkout with an account registration link on the order confirmation page, select Enable registration after order confirmation.
When the Register After Ordering option is enabled, customers who have completed their order using guest checkout will see the following message:
Save time the next time you shop! Register with us.
Registration is simple and fast. Use the information you've already provided with your order to create an account in minutes.
When you register a store account with us, you can enjoy the ease of using your existing Yahoo, Google, or AOL user ID.
Registering a store account with us allows you to:
- Place an order in just a few clicks, without having to re-enter your shipping information and other details each time you shop.
- Easily track your order status and history.
After updating your guest checkout options, remember to publish your Order Settings.