You may update the status of coupon instances in a single-use coupon series by uploading CSV files containing coupon codes with their corresponding redemption status.
Note: Coupon Status files must be in CSV format, contain a header, and consist of two columns. The CSV file may not exceed 1,000 lines, and the file size must be less than 100 KB. If a header is not included as the first line of the CSV file, any coupon data on this line will not be included in the coupon status update.
Update the status of coupon instances in a single-use coupon series
- Sign in to your My Services page.
- Click the Store link.
- Go to Coupon Manager.
- Click on the coupon prefix code for the single-use coupon series you'd like to update. You will be taken to the Edit Coupon screen.
- On the Edit Coupon screen, click the Upload Status button. You will be prompted to select a file.
- Select the coupon status CSV file from the location where you have saved it.
- Once your file has successfully been uploaded, click the Modify button, located to the upper right side of the Edit Coupon screen. You must click the Modify button in order to publish any coupon status changes.
After publishing your coupon status changes, you may download an updated list of coupon codes for your single-use coupon series, or choose to return to Coupon Manager.
Updates for single-use coupon series must be done individually by editing each coupon series, following steps 1 to 5 above. If you include coupon instances in your CSV file that belong to a different coupon series, your coupon status file will be rejected.