The Image store tag can be written in two different ways.
Let's say you add an item with an ID of 10 to Catalog Manager, and this item contains an image. You have the following choices when creating the store tag to display your item's image.
Version 1
<!--#ystore_catalog id="10" field="image" format="html" -->
This is the most straightforward way to display your item's image using a store tag. This store tag would display the image on your web page wherever you inserted it.
Version 2
If you would like to customize the presentation of your image (for example, to include an alt tag, border setting, or alignment setting) you could use the following version of the Image store tag.
<!--#ystore_catalog id="10" field="image" -->
Using this store tag generates the image's URL (that portion of an HTML <img> tag that normally appears in quotes) as indicated in bold text below.
<img src="your_image_URL" -->
If you use this version of the Image store tag, be sure to place it within an <img> tag or other appropriate HTML tag, as in the example below. Otherwise, your web page may not display properly.
<img src="<!--#ystore_catalog id="10" field="image" -->" height="X" width="X" alt="your alt text here" -->