Toggle the switch next to Turn on vacation response to the right to enable it.
Select a start and enddate for your vacation response.
Enter the response you want senders to see. Note: Each sender will only receive one vacation response between the dates set above, no matter how many times they email during that window.
If you wish, you can choose to send a different response to specific domains.
On the top-right, select Settings from the pull-down menu then click the Go button.
On the left, select Vacation Response.
On the Vacation Response page:
Select the checkbox next to Set automatic reply to your emails when you are out on vacation or out of office.
Select a start and enddate for your vacation response.
Enter the response you want senders to see. Note: Basic Mail does not have a rich text option for vacation responses. Note: Each sender will only receive one vacation response between the dates set above, no matter how many times they email during that window.
If you wish, you can choose to send a different response to specific domains.