Your domain name registrar is responsible for maintaining your domain registration records, managing your domain renewals, and other administrative details. Turbify's domain registration partner, Tucows, is the registrar for all new domains registered through Turbify.
If you registered your domain through a company other than Turbify and redelegated your domain for use with your Turbify plan, you can identify your registrar in several ways. If you remember the company to which you paid your original domain registration fee, contact that organization directly.
You can identify your registrar by looking up your domain name in the public WHOIS database using any WHOIS search tool. Your domain record will include the name of your registrar.
To search the WHOIS database, choose the option below that corresponds with the extension of your domain name. On the WHOIS search page, enter your domain name and review the results to find the name of your registrar.
- For a general search, a good starting point could be the Tucows WHOIS search tool.
- To search for domain names ending in .aero, .arpa, .biz, .com, .coop, .edu, .info, .int, .museum, .net, and .org, visit the InterNIC web site.
- To search for domains ending in .us, visit
- For domains ending in a two-letter country code, such as .uk or .jp, try