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Each Turbify store has multiple URLs to get to identical pages such as your domain and Find your store ID.
These URLs serve different purposes for your store. If you search for your store using a search engine, you may see these different URLs appearing in the result pages. This may be a problem because the relevancy rankings are spread out among those URLs, whereas you may want to optimize the relevancy rankings to just one URL. This can also be a problem if the pages are viewed as duplicate content (two or more pages with identical content), which can lead to these pages being dropped from a search engine index.
The Domain Name Management page allows you to select a domain or hostname to which to permanently* redirect (301) all Turbify generated URLs. By default, all stores will be set to none meaning no URLs will be redirected. You can choose to redirect all Turbify-generated URLs to any hostname or domain name listed on the Domain Management page or even to not redirect any URLs.
The redirect is permanent according to the W3C status codes as the requested URL is designated by the server as permanently moved as opposed to found - temporarily moved (302). You can select a new redirect setting whenever you like. The setting itself is not permanent.
Note: Setting a domain redirect will only work if the domain traffic option is set to your store pages. However, the default store.domainname will always redirect to your store pages (unless you make changes to the CNAME record for store.domainname).
Important: If you previously enabled secure storefront, changing the domain or hostname may invalidate your SSL certificate. It's recommended to check your settings in Security Manager beforehand.
If you choose not to set a domain redirect, we will set your domain redirect setting to the default
If you did not have a domain redirect setting previously, adding one may improve your search rankings if search engines were penalizing your site for duplicate content (multiple pages with identical content served from different URLs). Using a domain redirect will permanently redirect (301) visitors (or search engine crawlers) to any duplicate URLs to only one URL.
At this time, adding new domains is temporarily disabled - please contact support if you need to have an additional domain pointed to your store.
If you own a domain registered with a different login ID, a domain registered outside of Turbify, or if you previously deleted the hostnames for the root domain and/or the www subdomain and wish to add them back, you will need to add your domain to the hostnames list. Once your domain appears in the hostname list, it will also be available for selection in the domain redirect setting. If your domain is registered under the same Turbify ID as your Merchant Solutions store then your domain should automatically appear in the list.
You will see your hostname listed in the Hostnames section and your hostname will now also appear in the Domain Redirect Setting drop-down list. You can then select that hostname as your default domain redirect setting.