Item pages typically consist of a single large image accompanied by a Price, an Order or Add to Cart button, and text that describes the item.
Adding an Item page
Tip: You can incorporate HTML into your Caption to create a more customized design for your product description.
- Sign in to your My Services page.
- Click the Store link.
- Go to Store Editor.
- Navigate to the Section page where you want to add an item.
- In the Editor toolbar, click Item.
- This will take you to a page with fields where you enter information to determine the look of your Item page. These fields include: Name, Image, Code, Price, and Caption.
- In the Name field, enter the name of your item. For example: Gadget.
- Click the Upload button to add an image for your item.
- In the Code field, enter the item's SKU, stock number, ISBN, or any other alpha-numeric code you use to identify your products. For example: X123. Note: The Code should be unique for each item.
- In the Price field, enter the item's price. Don't include a dollar sign. You can even add Quantity Pricing. Note: Although Price is not a required field, an Item page without a Price will be treated as a Section page in Store Editor. As such, it will behave like a Section page. This includes appearing in your site navigation and not being available to be included in Promotions.
- In the Sale-price field, enter a sale price if applicable.
- Choose if the item is to be Orderable.
- In the Options field, enter options for sizes, colors, and styles, inscriptions, monograms, and incremental pricing.
- In the Caption field, enter descriptive text for your product. Type whatever you'd like. If you enter several paragraphs of text, use blank lines to separate them.
Note: Click the Help button for definitions of all the fields listed.
- When you're done, click the Update button to view the page for your new item. Follow the same steps to add additional items to your store.
- Publish when ready.