This feature is temporarily unavailable while we are undergoing upgrades to our Merchant Solutions products. Visit here for its current status and ETA for return. Database uploads will be available in Store Editor until this feature is available again.
Note: All FTP sessions require an FTPS connection along with TLS 1.2 protocol support for increased system security.
You can upload your database (CSV) file and image files to your store via FTP.
Important: When you upload a CSV file via FTP, your store will automatically rebuild and republish. This is a full rebuild of your store, so your CSV file must contain all item data. Any items in your store that are not also in the uploaded data file will be deleted from your store.
Before you upload
- Make sure your CSV file is the most current version, and contains all item data. If an item currently exists in your store, but isn't included in the data file, it'll be deleted from your store upon uploading the CSV file.
- The CSV file, ZIP file, and all files in the ZIP file must have all-lowercase file names, and may only use alpahanumeric characters (not including file extension, such as .jpg).
- The image ZIP file must be named
- The CSV file must be named data (don't include a file extension).
- All image files must either be named according to their ID (for example, id.gif), or their ID and target image property variable name separated by an underscore (for example: id_inset-2.gif). All images uploaded via to store FTP must have a .gif extension, regardless of the native format of the images.
- Images can't exceed 2 MB in size, 2 million pixels in total, or 2000 pixels in width or height. Images that exceed any of these maximum values won't upload.
Uploading instructions
- Always upload the file first, followed by the data file (if you have one).
- When you upload these files, your store will automatically rebuild and republish. Please see the important note regarding rebuilding at the beginning of this article. The rebuild and republish may take some time, depending on the amount of uploaded data.
- The store software will check the FTP account every 20 minutes, and will rebuild the store with the new database once all users are signed out of Store Editor.
FTP settings
You'll need to connect to the FTP server using FTPS (FTP over SSL). Please update your FTP settings as shown below. Be sure to use an FTP client that supports FTPS.
- Host name: (note the s in ftps)
- User name: Your full login ID. (e.g. This ID must have Owner, Administrator, Store Consultant, or Store Administrator access to the store.
- Password: The password associated with the login ID.
- Connection type: SSL/TLS
- Logon Type: Normal
- Encryption type: Require explicit FTP over TLS
Note: The store FTPS host name and username are not the same as the Web Hosting FTPS host name and username. Your Web Hosting FTPS login information can be found here.
Uploading files to the Files directory
In addition to rebuilding your store and uploading images in bulk, you may also upload files to the Files section of your store via FTP.
- Add all files you wish to upload to the Files area to a new .zip file named File names may only use alphanumeric characters (not including file extension, such as .jpg).
- Upload to the same directory as the data and files. Unlike the data upload, won't cause the Files area to be rebuilt – existing files will be preserved.
- The file will be extracted and your Files area populated along the same schedule as the store rebuild.
Note: Please allow at least 30 minutes for the files to appear in your store. The time frame for which the files will appear will depend on the size of the ZIP file.
Important notes about ZIP files, data files, and images
ZIP files
When uploading the and files, please note that only files with a .zip file extension may be uploaded. At this time, files with a .zipx file extension aren't supported.
Data file
- The first line of the CSV defines your item types and templates. For the Store Editor, default settings would be:
item-type item. item-template storetemplate. section-type item. section-template storetemplate.
This must be a single entry to the very first cell in your spreadsheet. Don't break this line up into multiple cells.
- The second line is your field headers. At minimum, this should include:
path, id, code, name, price
For more information about the basic CSV format and field definitions, please see our database files Help Page.
- If you wish to populate fields such as caption for your section pages, define the sections first in the CSV, above any items. Keep in mind that you'll be using these same section names later in the path field of individual items, and the Store Editor will create objects based upon those names. You'll want to be sure to use the correct IDs for your section pages when defining them explicitly. The ID will be the name of the section converted to all lowercase letters with a dash replacing non-alphanumeric characters.
For example:
Running Shoes => running-shoes
The naming system for subsections is the same; the colon will be replaced by a dash.
For example:
Shoes:Running Shoes => shoes-running-shoes
- Include a leaf field if you're defining sections. The sections should have the leaf field set to no, while individual items will have leaf set to yes. Think of your store structure as a branch, where the individual items are the end, or leaf.