When you register a domain through Turbify --or transferred it here--certain TLDs may see promotional discounted registration and/or renewal fees. Domains purchased through Turbify are registered by Tucows, our domain registrar.
If you are using a domain name registered and managed through another provider, the domain will not receive a discounted renewal fee with your subscription. In this case, you will be invoiced directly by your original registrar for the renewal. Please contact your registrar if you have any question regarding the registration or renewal fees for your domain name.
You can easily find the registrar for your domain by checking the WHOIS information. Simply visit Tucows' WHOIS page, enter your domain name and click the Lookup button. In the example below we can see Tucows is the domain registrar and Turbify the reseller. That means Turbify will renew this domain for as long as it has an active subscription.
You will receive renewal notices 90 and 60 days before the domain expiration date. If your billing information is up-to-date, there's no need to do anything. If the billing becomes past due, you will receive additional notices 5 days before and 3 days after the domain expiration date. We typically renew domains 7-10 days prior to the expiration date. Learn how to update your billing information.
If Tucows is not the registrar shown for your domain, or the reseller isn't Turbify, you'll need to contact the listed registrar about renewal.