The Customer Ratings feature is designed to provide merchants an easy, automated way to collect and view feedback from buyers about the customer's experience with their store. Note: The Customer Ratings feature is a tool for merchants to gather feedback for their own use. As such, the ratings are not viewable by the public.
How Ratings Work
- Merchants can turn on Customer Ratings for all their orders in Store Manager. In Checkout & Registration Manager, you can enable or disable customer ratings on the Checkout Settings tab in the Global Settings module. To make the change live, you will need to publish your order settings.
- Shoppers are given the option during checkout to rate the merchant. There will be an extra checkbox in the Billing section allowing shoppers to receive an email with a link to a rating form. See below for an example of this field.
- Shoppers who select the checkbox will be sent an email a few weeks later, asking them to rate the store.
- Shoppers then use the link to go to the rating form and select ratings from poor to excellent for the overall experience and for five aspects of their experience with the store.
- Shoppers can also submit comments as part of their rating. When submitting the form, shoppers can choose to send a copy of their comments to the merchant, or not.
- If the shopper has agreed to send comments to the merchant, then the merchant will receive the comments at the address entered by the merchant when enabling ratings.
Where Rating Information Appears
Rating information appears in the Resources columns of Store Manager.
The Store Manager will display a bar graph when you have enabled and received customer ratings. This graph uses a different color to represent each of the five possible ratings from excellent to poor. The width of each colored bar indicates the relative number of customers giving you a particular rating. Learn more about viewing customer ratings statistics.