Using Coupon Manager, you can create standard (multiple-use) and single-use coupons to attract first-time shoppers, reward loyal buyers, offer targeted promotions, or for use in advertising or special promotions. You can easily create coupons redeemable at your store for a dollar amount or percentage off of items, or for free shipping, and you can choose to include or exclude items from your offer.
Coupon performance can be tracked using Coupon Manager. Order, revenue, and conversion statistics can help you understand what kinds of promotions work best for your store.
Customers can redeem coupons by entering a coupon code during checkout. The offer you've specified will automatically be calculated and shown to your customers.
To get started, click Coupon Manager in the Promote section of Store Manager. To learn how to create coupons, or about the different types of coupons, please see: