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Welcome to Checkout & Registration Manager! Checkout & Registration Manager provides the features that merchants have requested around the flow, design, and integration of checkout pages. This document will introduce you to Checkout & Registration Manager, the five modules in Checkout & Registration Manager, and the previewing, saving and publishing of custom checkout pages. You can use the following links to jump ahead if you choose.
Checkout & Registration Manager is fully functional using the default checkout settings. You could save your Checkout & Registration Manager settings, publish order settings, and your store would have a fully functioning checkout process. If you are building your store and wish to open for business quickly, you can use the system defaults. You can also use controls in Checkout & Registration Manager to quickly set global visual styles to create checkout pages that match the look of your store. To achieve the greatest degree of control over the design of your pages, you can add HTML to checkout regions, and download, edit, and upload custom CSS files. In order to get started, access Checkout & Registration Manager.
The main Checkout & Registration Manager page provides links to the five modules within Checkout & Registration Manager:
The Checkout & Registration Manager also contains some help links to aid you in completing common tasks.
The Global Settings module contains checkout flow settings controls, global page regions fields, and checkout settings (customer ratings, links, gift wrap options, etc).
The module contains five tabs to access these controls:
Important: Customer Registration is not supported in Microsoft-based browsers (such as Edge) released before April, 2019.
Note: There are no navigation links between modules in the Checkout & Registration Manager. You'll need to return to the main Checkout & Registration Manager page to access other modules. Look for the Checkout & Registration Manager link appearing below the blue bar at the top of the page.
The Visual Customization module is where you modify the visual design of your checkout pages. You can choose the default styles, set global visual styles, or upload a custom CSS file. You can also customize the progress indicator, set global button styles, and customize individual buttons from this module.
The Visual Customization module contains three tabs:
Note: Access to the Progress Indicator and Checkout Buttons tabs is dependent on first selecting the Configurable Styles option. The tabs will not appear with Default or Custom Styles options selected.
When you enable Mobile Checkout, an alternative CSS file will be applied to your checkout pages. This file is based on the type of device your buyer is using and will ensure that you can optimize your checkout pages for both web and mobile. Learn more about Mobile Checkout.
The Page Configuration module allows you to edit elements of individual checkout pages. Just as you selected global settings in the Global Settings module, you edit individual pages in the Page Configuration module. You can also enable catalog requests and customer registration.
Note: The tabs you see listed in the Page Configuration module correspond to the flow settings you selected previously. In other words, if you selected single-page checkout option and hide Order Review in the Flow Settings tab of the Global Settings module, the Page Configuration would show only two tabs: Single-page Checkout and Order Confirmation. If showing the Order Review page, three tabs would appear.
The tabs in the Page Configuration module allow you to modify elements of the Checkout pages.
The main purpose of each tab will be to manage standard and custom fields. You can add fields, edit fields, hide fields, and delete fields.
When creating fields, you can select the field type (including adding hidden and plain text fields). You can make fields required, add default values to selection fields, and even add help text to guide shoppers in completing checkout pages.
The Advanced Settings module provides access to special checkout settings such as order button behavior, special cases such as downloadable goods and gift certificates.
The Advanced Settings module contains two tabs:
Checkout & Registration Manager allows you to preview changes as you make them. To preview, click the Save & Preview button at the top and bottom of each Checkout & Registration Manager tab (except the Revert tab).
You can then click the links in the bottom frame to preview other pages. You are not able to navigate between pages in preview mode using the buttons and links with the preview pages. The pages that appear in preview are dependent on your flow settings selected in the Flow Settings tab of the Global Settings module.
Note: Clicking Save & Preview also saves any changes you made on the page from which you preview as it is necessary for Checkout & Registration Manager to save the current settings in order to generate a preview of the pages. If you have unwanted changes you will need to undo them or leave and return to the page before previewing.
When you have customized and saved your Checkout & Registration Manager settings, and you have previewed your pages, you are ready to publish your custom checkout pages.
We encourage you to research what changes you can make to your checkout pages to decrease cart abandonment and thereby increase conversions. You can start by making design and branding changes to make your checkout pages look like your site. You may wish to read online articles about checkout design by searching phrases such as shopping cart abandonment and increase conversion rate.